UE Local 170 rank-and-file delegates nominated and elected the local’s statewide officers and adopted the political action goals for the coming year at the local’s seventh annual statewide convention on Saturday, September 14 at North Bend State Park in Cairo, WV. Coming at the end of a successful summer of organizing activities, which added more than 150 new members to the local’s ranks, the convention delegates celebrated the past year’s victories, and made plans for more activities in the coming year.
The delegates, who were elected by the members of their chapters, nominated and elected Donna Morgan president; Chris Wolford vice president; Jamie Beaton chief steward; Cathy Miller recording secretary; and Melanie McCartney financial secretary. The delegates also nominated and elected three trustees: David Marple, Jean Burnworth and Nola Lilly. Nelson McCoy was nominated and elected as an alternate trustee.
“I want to thank our members for all of their support,” said Donna Morgan, UE Local 170 president. “This was by far our best convention ever. I look forward to working with our members in the coming year.”
Chris Wolford, UE Local 170 vice president, reported on the local’s political action activities over the past year and outlined the local’s legislative priorities for the coming legislative session, which include a pay raise for state workers and retirees, seniority rights for state workers, grievance statute reforms, full funding for WV OSHA, improved pensions for state workers, and collective bargaining rights for WV public workers. The local’s legislative priorities were submitted to the convention by the chapters, whose members had voted on their chapter’s legislative priorities at their chapter membership meetings in the months leading up to the convention.
Bob Kingsley, UE Director of Organization, brought greetings on behalf of the national union and congratulated the local on its organizing gains, victories and successful chapter reorganization. Kingsley encouraged the local’s members to continue building their union in order to win more victories in the years to come. Deb Gornall, UE Eastern Region President, brought greetings from the thousands of members throughout the Eastern Region and pledged the region’s continuing support for the local and its members.